How to quit smoking for your pēpē

If you’re pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, a Quit Coach can help you quit the smokes for good.

Mother with child

Quit Coach is best for you and your pēpē

Quit Coaches support hapū māmā. They’re there for you throughout your pregnancy and stick around while your baby is growing up.

Quit Coach can also talk to your partner and whānau about helping you to quit and making your home smokefree.

It's better to quit before you become pregnant, but quitting partway through will also be a big help for your baby's growth and health.

Register for a Quit Coach in 1 min

  • 100% free
  • Plans designed for you and your pēpē
  • In-person or phone support
  • Coaches used to smoke and know the struggle

See how Brody & Iranui quit for their pēpē

Iranui and Brody 2:44
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